mental health resources + insights

Are You Fully Alive? Kids running through bubbles

Are You Fully Alive??!

Hello, Do you remember what it was like to be a kid? The excitement was hardly contained and we lived life FULLY. Pumping your legs on the swings until you get the highest point, only to jump right then. Breaking out into spontaneous dance. Singing at the top of your lungs. Running as fast as you could because you couldn’t wait to get there. Maybe you had an imaginary best friend or a favorite story that inspired you about who you wanted to be when you grew up. To me, life seemed so vibrant as a kid, so alive and full of possibilities. Then one day, we wake up and

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Case Management. More love, less fear. Heart hands around the sun

Case Management to Help You Love More and Fear Less

Hello, I’m sooooo excited to share this great news with you all! Case Management has been one of the key foundational services Recovery Consultants has provided since the inception of the business in 2014. We believe in it so much that we have tripled down on it with these brand-new Case Managers! Join me in welcoming these three new POWERHOUSE Case Managers: MEET JOANNA, MICHELLE, AND MOLLIE! Joanna Arenstein Joanna has worked in the drug & alcohol recovery industry for over 20 years, working in: crisis intervention & outreach, harm reduction, and community advocacy. She bridges the practical and the humanistic to guide individuals navigating personal challenges by teaching emotional

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Bathing in the Forest. How to Honor Earth Day.

Bathing in the Forest – How to Honor Earth Day

Hello, Did “bathing in the forest” catch your eye? While that would be an experience, I don’t mean it literally. Shinrin-yoku, a Japanese term meaning “taking in the forest” or “forest bathing” is an age-old solution to modern problems. There is a statistic that shows that we are currently the most divorced generation from the outdoors. We have traded nature for screens and walls. I am not saying that social media is the root of all evil, but it can be good to unplug to reconnect–firstly with yourself, so you can connect with others. Let me tell you a quick personal story about how unplugging became a routine and what

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Kids exploring at sunset. How old were you when you felt lost?

How Old Were You When Life Lost Its Spark?

Hello , We all have at least one memory of childhood bliss and wonder – looking up at the stars at night, shooting off fireworks with family, seeing a national park for the first time – these wonders of the world will stay forever golden for us. But do we know exactly when life lost its childlike wonder? When was the last time something so mundane or so natural changed your perspective in an impactful, awe-inspiring, and mindful way? Let me know your story! I want you all to know that you aren’t alone in this loss – I believe almost everyone goes through it. But there is a way

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Women jumping between cliffs. Leaning into discomfort.

Spring Cleaning – Leaning Into Discomfort

Hello, Do you ever get those moments where you feel like you aren’t enough? How about a case of good ol’ imposter syndrome? I think it is safe to say everyone goes through this at some time in their life. Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself: “Where does this feeling come from?” If you take a look a little deeper, you can see that fear is to blame. Fear that you aren’t enough, that you don’t know what you are doing, and that you won’t make it. Fear of failure, or even fear of success. This is a totally normal and human response to have when the

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Be fearless. Be you.

Are You Tired of Wearing the Masks?

Hello, Imagine standing in front of a mirror and truly recognizing and loving the person looking back. Imagine moving through your days authentically, free from the societal expectations and self-imposed roles that keep us from truly being ourselves. These masks and roles have been established for so long, it feels automatic. I’m here to invite some curiosity about these conditioned patterns of behavior. How heavy are the masks you wear? We wear different masks throughout our lives – the comedian, the caregiver, the star athlete, the responsible one, the helper – all to secure love, acceptance, and validation from the outside world. These roles we assume, most of the time

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What Does Your Self-Love Look Like?

Hello, Have you ever read The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman? If not, that could be a great read to start off 2023’s focus on relationships, particularly the one you have with yourself! What does your self-love look like? For some people, it can be treating themselves to a new dress, vacation, golf, a face mask, a massage, or saying “no”. Some may not have a self-love or self-care routine, while others even cringe at the term. Let’s break it down into a simple definition. Self-love – regard for one’s own well-being and happiness. This looks like positive self-esteem, positive mental image, positive

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New Year’s Intentions

Hello, Welcome to the new year! Have you ever wondered why so many New Year’s intentions (or resolutions) fail? Why do we have all these grand plans for improvement that seem to fizzle out before they gain any traction? The short answer is fear. Fear is the enemy of achievement, the basis for all insecurities. Do we fear hard work? Expectations? Commitment? Failure? This year, empower yourself to find all the goodness you deserve. A wonderful bounty is on the other side of fear and you can get there by taking action now. If you haven’t created space to set intentions for the new year, now is a friendly reminder

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The Magic of Christmas

Hello, Sometimes we can lose the true meaning of Christmas in the hustle and bustle of this busy season. There is so much to do; events to plan, time to spend with family, and gifts to buy. I recently read this beautiful letter that reminds me what the true meaning of this season is. No matter how old you are, this is a wonderful reminder of the magic of Christmas. The letter is copied below and is from parents to their young son, Henry: Dear Henry, We’ve discussed a really good question recently, “Are Mom and Dad really Santa?” We know that you want to really know the answer, and

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