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Entrepreneur Shirley Wantland wants to end the public stigma and negative, discriminatory attitudes surrounding mental health.
In this age of discovery and research, there are many ways people have found healing and recovery.
Through compassionate care and innovation, Recovery Consultants offer hope and healing to people struggling with mental illness and addiction.
Addictions and mental health issues are major concerns worldwide, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status.
Healing and recovery are needed after every ailment that the human body goes through.
Although abstinence is the standard approach associated with drug and alcohol addiction therapy, it is not the only one.
It can be easy to cast judgement on those suffering from addition and mental health, believing it’s a moral failing, rather than an outcome of the sometimes tragic human experience — it’s through compassion and empathy that we build a bridge to understanding.
Are you or a loved one feeling out of control battling addiction or a mental health disorder?
No matter how far off recovery may feel,
we are here to show you that it is within reach.
Click below to schedule a consultation call to see if we can match your needs.