Press Releases


Heroes Of The Addiction Crisis: How Shirley Wantland of Recovery Consultants Is Helping To Battle One of Our Most Serious Epidemics

Asa part of our series about “Heroes Of The Addiction Crisis” I had the pleasure of interviewing Shirley Wantland…

Authority Magazine

Shirley Wantland of Recovery Consultants Endorses Harm Reduction Therapy for Substance Misuse and Alcoholism

Although abstinence is the standard approach associated with drug and alcohol addiction therapy, it is not the only one…

Buzz Sentinel

Shirley Wantland Promotes Psychedelic Drugs as Potential Treatment for Addiction, Trauma, and Mental Health Issues

Psychedelic therapy is a therapeutic method that involves the administration of psychedelic drugs…

Euro News Daily

Recovery Consultants by Shirley Wantland Aims to End the Stigma of Addiction and Assist Families in Crisis

Through compassionate care and innovation, Recovery Consultants offer hope and healing to people struggling with mental illness and addiction…

The Hustler’s Digest

Shirley Wantland, Principal and Co-founder of Recovery Consultants Is Working to Change the Conversation around Healing and Recovery

Healing and recovery are needed after every ailment that the human body goes through….

London Daily Post

Revolutionizing Mental Health and Addiction Treatment: The Impact of Recovery Consultants and Centers

Addictions and mental health issues are major concerns worldwide, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status…

International Business Times

Shirley Wantland Aims To Destigmatize Mental Health

Entrepreneur Shirley Wantland wants to end the public stigma and negative, discriminatory attitudes surrounding mental health…

YFS Magazine

How Can Psychedelics Work Best for Healing and Recovery

In this age of discovery and research, there are many ways people have found healing and recovery….

Cross Fork News


The Great LeadHERship Awakening Virtual Summit with Shirley Wantland

Kayleigh O’Keefe | Vimeo

#MORELOVELESSFEAR with Shirley Wantland

Nikki Green | Youtube

Deepak Chopra discusses Psychedelic Medicines + Consciousness

Awakened Underground Podcast | Youtube

UNCAGED With Shirley Wantland

UNCAGED Show | Youtube

As Seen In

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