New Year’s Intentions


Welcome to the new year!

Have you ever wondered why so many New Year’s intentions (or resolutions) fail? Why do we have all these grand plans for improvement that seem to fizzle out before they gain any traction?

The short answer is fear. Fear is the enemy of achievement, the basis for all insecurities. Do we fear hard work? Expectations? Commitment? Failure?

This year, empower yourself to find all the goodness you deserve. A wonderful bounty is on the other side of fear and you can get there by taking action now.

If you haven’t created space to set intentions for the new year, now is a friendly reminder and invitation to start the year off the best way I know how: writing down intentions. This is a practice that helps you visualize and plan out the goals you have for the new year. What are they? What do they look like? Sound like? How will you feel when it’s been met?

Rather than just being reactive to life, be proactive! What do you want out of life? Take some time for reflective solitude, maybe in a distraction-free office or a favorite reading nook. Visualize your goals and accomplishments in the new year. Who are you this year? How does this version of you feel?

It can be helpful to think about what might stand in your way and plan ahead. What will you do when the motivation to press forward is lacking? Where will messages of negativity come from?

I want to invite you all to set some New Year’s intentions–the most authentic version of you is waiting on the other side!

Wishing you all love, authenticity, and abundance this year!


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